This week we have four Nordic Visitor explorers out on the road, catching up with our travel friends around Iceland and taking in the beauty of the Icelandic winter. Our journey takes us around the famed Ring Road, or Route 1 -- the main highway that makes a full circle around the island. This route is THE MOST POPULAR for visitors in Iceland, and whenever we make the journey we always understand why: drop-dead gorgeous scenery at every turn. And we have pictures to prove it. Keep reading...
Today, Day 1, our ambitious explorers covered Reykjavik to Kirkjubæjarklaustur, passing waterfalls, farmhouses with glacier views, grazing horses and sheep, glacial rivers and miles of majestic coastline.
Below are but a few of the MANY highlights from our whirlwind Ring Road trip! Follow our pics live on Instagram @nordicvisitor

Will they find reindeer in the east on Days 2 and 3? Will they roll in the snow in the north on Day 4? Stay tuned!