Travel Update


Romsdalseggen ridge Andalnes Norway by Andreas Leidenfrost

Photo of the Month: Hiking on top of the world

By: Catharine
Last Updated: 11/07/2024
Posted in: General, Contests, Norway

July in the Nordic Visitor office was all about Norway. We blogged, Facebooked, Tweeted and Instagrammed our love for all things Norway. But all the words typed and praises sung just can’t hold a candle to the incredible shot we’ve chosen as our Nordic Photo of the Month, snapped by Andreas Leidenfrost during a Best of the Norwegian Fjords – Express honeymoon with his wife, Michelle.

The winning photo, titled “Almost There”, is heading up this post and is the cover image of our Facebook page for the month, but scroll on for some more photos from Andreas and Michelle.

Michelle tackles the natural stone stairs comprising part of the path toward Norway's Romsdalseggen Ridge.
Michelle tackles the natural stone stairs comprising part of the path along Norway’s Romsdalseggen Ridge.

Says Andreas of the trip’s highlights: “There were so many... the hike that is pictured in the photos is one of the biggest highlights. Driving through the stunningly beautiful Norwegian countryside was quite an experience as well; there are lush fields everywhere and everything is so green.”

Andreas Leidenfrost-stone house-Romsdalseggen Ridge-Andalsnes-Norway
Michelle and Andreas came across some epic scenery and sites along the trail to Romsdalseggen Ridge. Good thing they’re not afraid of heights!
A mountaintop pool isn't a bad spot to take a breather.
A mountaintop pool isn’t a bad spot to take a breather... Can you spot Michelle in this snap?

An adventure all their own: “I read about how famous the Romsdalseggen Ridge hike was and really wanted to do it, so Nordic Visitor customised our tour for us. We spent an extra night in Andalsnes just so we could do this hike. We also rented a car in Ålesund because I wanted to drive the Atlantic Road.”

The winning photograph, titled
The winning photograph, titled “Almost There”, captures Michelle’s determination to reach the top of Romsdalseggen Ridge... and the incredible view over Geirangerfjord is a nice feature, too.
Andreas Leidenfrost-tiger with random kid-Oslo-Norway (Medium)
Bergen is a gorgeous town, and the boats that visit it aren't bad to look at either.
Andreas Leidenfrost-tiger with random kid-Oslo-Norway (Medium)
Elena Engelsen’s The Tiger is one of Oslo’s most photographed attractions. Here it is on the prowl outside of Oslo central Station.

Good to know: Nordic Visitor has packages to get you through and around Norway in a number of ways. From self-drive packages, to scenic rail journeys, or charming coastal cruises, there's really no one best way to experience this incredible country! And, as we did for Andreas and Michelle, we can tailor an itinerary to suit your own interests.

This month’s winning picture will be the cover image on our Facebook page until another winner is chosen next month

And don’t forget to hashtag #NordicVisitor on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pictures!

Post by: Catharine

Catharine Fulton is a journalist and travel writer. Though born and raised in Canada, she found herself stuck in the Nordic region since moving to Finland in 2007 to pursue her MA and then migrating to Reykjavík, Iceland in 2009, where she lives with her Icelandic husband and tries (albeit unsuccessfully) to master the Icelandic language.

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